Monday, September 17, 2012

Summer 2012 Recap

This summer was filled with tons of fun, and ended up being my favorite summer. The very minute we got out of school I went with some of my friends to Lake Okoboji, where we stayed for the weekend, and went tubing and boating a lot, and stayed in their house right along the water.

 The next week I started Drivers Ed, which wasn't very fun, but I learned how to drive a bit better (passed with a 96!) and learned how to parallel park. I also have my school permit now, which is incredibly helpful.

 I worked 2 jobs this summer, one as a waitress at a retirement home, and the other at the Carousel in Union Park. The people I work with are awesome, especially the elderly. I still work at the waitressing one, but the carousel one ended for the season. I worked nights waitressing, and 2 mornings a week for the carousel.

 I also spent a lot of my mornings training for RAGBRAI, which ended up not being the best idea, because I wasn't exposed to the heat that went along with it. I would ride on average about 25 miles every morning at about 18 miles an hour, so it wouldn't take me very long. Other mornings I would ride up to Adel and back, which was over 50.

 RAGBRAI itself was brutally hot, the average temperature was 95 degrees, and the hottest day (also the longest day) got up to 117 degrees. I did the whole week with my dad (but he dropped out halfway through because "it had been enough" for him). We would leave at about 4:30 in the morning and arrive at our overnight stop that afternoon. One of the days I got to ride on a draft line with the US Air Force, that was really fun, we were going a good 30 miles an hour for about 15 miles. Some nights it just would not cool off, and I ended up not drinking enough water throughout the week, so when I got home, I had extreme heat exhaustion, and I literally stayed in the nice air conditioning for a week.

 I also went to a lot of my boyfriend Logan's baseball games, and watched him catch. He was really busy this summer, so we didn't have a lot of time to hang out, but when we did we made sure to make the best of it. We would go to see some movies, we went on a bike ride once (a really easy ride, only 12 miles at a super slow pace because he's not as much of a seasoned bicyclist as I am), and we went to Gray's Lake. We also watched the fireworks Downtown, where he met my family.

 In August I figured that I had better get a start on my summer homework (which I still havent gotten all done to this day- whoops). That didn't really happen, instead I would be on Tumblr and Twitter all day. Swim season also started in August, so my days were taken up by that.

 This is my first year swimming, so the first 2 weeks were really difficult for me, I couldn't swim over a 100 at a time, and I didn't know how to do flip turns or go off the blocks correctly. With time I improved, and now I only have to shave off 9 seconds on my 100 back to get a Varsity letter!

 The only thing I would change about this summer would be to hang out with my friends more, and not be such a lazy bum and spend my time inside on Tumblr or Pinterest or Instagram or even Twitter or Facebook.

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